Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity And Chronic Illnesses Support Centre
Healthy Lifestyle - Fast, Effective and Long Term
Healthy Lifestyle - Fast, Effective and Long Term
The correct healthy habits can reverse many small, big and complex health conditions fast, like cancer, diabetes, dementia, autoimmune conditions, fibroid, gout, obesity, fatty liver, tooth pain, hip pain and other chronic illnesses.
You can also look younger and feel stronger in your 50s than in your 20s, after reversing your multiple chronic conditions.
It can be very effective, fast and long term if you get it right.
For more information please click here.
Start Now
How to start:
2) Personal Coaching sessions (1st time 90mins at $150, subsequent sessions 20 mins at $80 per session)
3) Support Group $120/year. You will need to finish the 2 weeks quick start program to joint the support group.
There will be free activities, classes and events once in a while.
You will also be entitle to 50% discount on many daily activities, classes, events and retreats.
Most people do not know how fast and effective the correct combination of healthy habits can be.
"After two days of changing my habits and taking the correct nutrients, my 15 years of longsightedness suddenly improve. I now can see small words and read my phone without glasses. I cannot believe that this is so easy to achieve and most people do not know about it."
(Many people will see some improvement, some will not see any improvement due to various reason.)
"I used to have chronic toothache. I had to do many root canals and crowns causing lots of pain, suffering and money. Within hours of changing my habits and taking the right nutrients my pain is no longer there. It has been 10 years and I do not need to do any more root canal. When the toothache comes back, I just improve my good habits again."
"For over 10 years I had severe hip pain that needed hip replacement surgery. I changed my habits and within hours, the pain was gone. After a month, I can run again. It has been more than 10 years and I can do things that I cannot imagine I can do at this age.."
"I had more than 10 different types of health issues for more than 5 years. Once I changed my habits, they were all reversed very fast."
"I was so sick that it was hard for me to get out of bed. I have a long list of illnesses. After I changed my habits, I recovered. All my illnesses were gone. I have become so strong that I can even train for the ironman race.
For more information please click here.
Cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, fatty liver, stroke, arthritis, fibroids, gallbladder pain, heel spur, hip, back and joint pain, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, insomnia, over weight, autoimmune disorders, swelling face, erectile dysfunction, kidney stone, gallstone, failing eyesight, failing memory, difficulty in concentration, chronic tooth decay, asthma, anxiety, cough, headaches, allergies, hormonal imbalance, stomach ulcers, prostate disorders, tonsillitis, migraine, hangover, skin infection, sores, blackheads, blood impurities, bronchitis, cataract, chest congestion, cholera, conjunctivitis, diarrhoea, eye and ear infections, fever, glandular swelling, hysteria, pimples, psoriasis, respiratory disorders, scurvy, semen deficiency, sore throat, sprain, intestinal worms, lactation, colitis, dropsy, dysentry, gonorrhoea, sleep disorder, jaundice, malaria & urinary disorders and more.
Most people know that healthy habits are important but many do not know they need help or how to get help. Health promotion board and doctors have always emphasise the importance of healthy habits yet most people are not doing it correctly. Do you know that changing to healthy habits is the only real long term solution for many chronic illnesses?
Everyone needs help. Many people lose their lives or become permanently disabled because they feel they can do it on their own. It can be very hard and confusing. Most people think they can do it on their own but they cannot. It's a life long learning journey. Let us help you make it easier.
The correct healthy habits can help you do better in school and at work. You can remember and think better. You can also do better in sports; run, bike and swim faster and further.
For more information please click here.
Reverse ageing, less wrinkles, less age spot. You can even attempt the ironman in your fifties when most people cannot even do a small portion of it in their twenties.
When your body heals, you can slim down very fast. You can eat more and yet you will not put on weight.
If you have the correct knowledge, you can eat your favourite foods and still lose weight. Healthy food can be as tasty as regular food or even better.
For more information please click here.
Most people think that healthy food have to be tasteless, difficult and expensive. Healthy food can be as tasty as regular food or even better. It can be much easier and much cheaper.
For more information please click here.
Singaporeans with chronic illness are getting increasingly younger. Many of them get sick due to poor lifestyle and diet. Learning about healthy habits for a sharp mind and great health at a young age can help prevent your children from having chronic illnesses when they are young and as they get older. It can also help them perform at their peak with an alert mind for their studies and a healthy body for physical activities. Join our Meroll course for kids!
Meroll is a health support center: we help people develop good healthy habits in Singapore. Overseas students can join some of our classes via zoom.
In the Meroll program, we offer different solutions to help students tackle the psychological problems to conquer hard-to-break old habits. We use a combination of options like: education, one to one counselling, coaching, mindfulness training, doctors, nutritionist, hypnotherapist, support groups, reminder services, subliminal messaging, retreats, daily activities, we even have songs written specially to remind you what you must do while dancing or just chilling and many more.
For first time visit, please call for an appointment today.
Add: Lam Soon Building, 63 Hill View Ave #03-09 Singapore 669569
Contact No: +65-87571900 , +65-81577733
Services provided by Singapore Venture Holdings Pte Ltd